Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Check out this new product known as the "Doormat Scale". It measures your guests weight before they enter your home! One of the best comments we saw posted on this was "A great way to make sure NOBODY wipes their feet before they come into your home!"

On todays Joy in the Morning...

An incredible line up of music this morning with songs from Chris Tomlin, Third Day, Brandon Heath, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Battistelli, Need-to-Breathe, Barlow Girl plus many others.

6:25: Our Daily Bread
6:45: Today in History
7:00: News - Weather - Sports
7:25: My Money Life
7:30: Todays Amazing Fact: According to the New York Times, if the two billion Crayola Crayons that were sold every year were laid end to end Equator, they would circle the earth four and a half times.
7:32: The Birthday Club
7:45: Scriptural Pursuit: Who was the wife of Moses? Zipporah (Exodus 2:21)
8:00: News - Weather
8:30: The Point
8:45: Joy Notes

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