Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today's Verse: For you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings! (Psalm 61: 3-4)

Our Prayer School of the Day: Hurlock Elementary in Hurlock, MD

Today's Amazing Fact: Giraffes sleep only 20 minutes a day at 5 minutes at a time. In comparison Lions sleep almost 20 hours a day.

Scriptural Pursuit: What crime did Joseph claim his brother Benjamin had committed? The theft of a silver cup

Here are some ways to lose weight at the office. The numbers show the calories burned per hour!

Making mountains out of mole hills 500

Jumping to conclusions 100
Passing the buck 25
Throwing your weight around 50-300 (depending on your weight)

Dragging your heels 100

Hitting the nail on the head 50
Bending over backwards 75
Jumping on the bandwagon 200
Tooting your own horn 25
Climbing the ladder of success 750
Pulling out the stops 75
Adding fuel to the fire 160

Putting your foot in your mouth 300
Starting the ball rolling 90
Picking up the pieces 350
Counting eggs before they hatch 6

Calling it quits 2

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