Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sales of this men's item have increased for the first time in 15 years...what? No correct answer this morning. So join us tomorrow at 7:15 for your chance to win!

Today's Prayer School:
Stephen Decatur Middle School in Berlin, MD

Amazing Fact: One square inch of the sun's surface shines with the intensity of 300,000 candles.

Scriptural Pursuit: Who was Solomon's mother? Bathsheba

Wacky But True:

Today's Wacky But True follows the story of two Australian explorers who decided to conquer the challenge of hiking to the North Pole. They'd conquer it, and then place their country's flag there to commemorate and prove their accomplishment! They made off to the North Pole, unaided, for 58 days. During the expedition one of them almost lost his life when he fell through thin ice. They faced blizzards, developed frostbite, and they even had to ward off a polar bear. All of this to finally reach the North Pole and discover that they had forgotten to bring the flag.

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