Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good Morning and welcome to this terrific Tuesday!

At 7:15 this morning it's Tuesday Trivia: These were always big sellers but experts say they may be gone all together soon...what?

Tuesday's Amazing Fact: Experts say kissing a child's boo boo really does make it better. It triggers the release of pain killing endorphins.

If you haven't signed up for the DQ Grill & Chill Birthday Club click here to sign up now! Be listening at 7:30 this morning as we announce today's Birthday's and Anniversaries.

At 7:45 we'll play Scriptural Pursuit: In the Parable of the Talents what did the servant who had received one talent do with it? He dug a hole and hid it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was not surprised by the amazing fact that "kissing boo-boos" releases pain killing endorphins which help in healing...
The beauty of that fact is that it helps us to realize that compassion, empathy, positive words, actions, and encouragement really do make a HUGE difference in healing and wellness for one another. Ever been sick and realized how your spirits were lifted by kind words and encouragement? It is likely that those things do aid practically in the healing process. It helps so much to know that others really do care. Somehow God wired us that way. May this "Amazing Fact" spur us on to thoughtfulness and kindness towards others! Feel free to share this thought on the air if you like!
~ from lisa ~ a grateful listener