Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wacky But True story: Scientists in Australia are continuing what was supposed to be a 70 year-long experiment, and it's going verrrrrry slow. The experiment is designed to prove that pitch (kind of like tar) is a fluid, and not a solid. So scientists are monitoring how fast the pitch flows from a jar into a dish. But that sounds easier that it truly is, because, after all, pitch is considered a solid - so just imagine how slow it would flow from the jar into the dish! The pitch experiment began back in 1927... and eleven years the first "drip" of the pitch formed. That's how slow it flows! The second drip was seen in 1947 and the third in 1954 before things really started speeding up. Drips came thick and fast after that with one each in 1962, 1970 and 1979. A seventh drop fell in 1988. Currently awaiting the ninth drop.

Over 6,000 car accidents a year are caused by this...what? No correct answer today so we'll try again tomorrow morning at 7:15.

Today's Amazing Fact: 22 million hot dogs are sold at major league baseball games this season.

Scriptural Pursuit: Uzzah was struck down because he touched something when the oxen stumbled. What did he touch? The Ark of the Covenant.

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