Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday Trivia on Wednesday: 85% of Americans do this at least once a day? Talk about the weather

Today's Prayer School: JBM Intermediate School in Smyrna, DE

Today's Amazing Fact: If the suns energy decreased by 10% the entire earth would be covered in ice one mile thick. Conversely, if the suns energy increased by 30%, all life on earth would be burnt to a cinder.

Scriptural Pursuit: Who was the left-handed judge?

Today's Verse: But You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abouding in love.

Chris Lockwood from the group 33 Miles joined us this morning to talk about their new CD "Today". To learn more about 33 Miles and their awesome new CD click here.

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