Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Today's Verse: The Lord is my light and my salvation so why should I be afraid? The Lord protects me from danger so why should I tremble? When evil people come to destroy me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumple and fall. Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will know no fear; even if they attack me, I remain confident. (Psalm 27:1-3)

Amazing Fact: In the United States, deaf people have safer driving records than hearing people nationally.

Scriptural Pursuit: Five women were mentioned in Matthews genealogy of Jesus. Name at least 3 of the 5? Mary, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba.

Our special in-studio guest this morning is Christian recording artist Kirk Hacker. To learn more about Kirk check out his facebook page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this song that kurt sang b/c the holidays are so hard for me I have lost 2 sons and a mother Thanks for writing it.