Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Friday!!!

Today's Amazing Fact: The average human produced enough saliva in a lifetime to fill 2 swimming pools.

Scriptural Pursuit: Where in scripture do we find "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"? Philippians 4:13

Here is a picture of the real "Lego House" that we talked about this morning in our Wacky But True Segment. Here is the story we shared: It's every child's dream--a full-sized house made entirely of Legos, right down to the flushing toilet, breadbox and newspapers. But the two-story Lego house just completed in England was demolished on Tuesday, Sept. 22, after a deal to place it at a nearby Legoland amusement park fell through. The project was the idea of James May, a British TV host, to be featured on his series Toy Stories. He enlisted a thousand volunteers and used 3.3 million donated Lego bricks. He even spent a night in the house, which he learned in not waterproof and has "the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept in."

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