Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

From our Wacky But True Segment this morning... a picture of a Van Gogh picture "Starry Night" that students made totally out of cereal. It's 6,400 square foot replica.

Here's some exciting news in our Bible League campaign! We have had an anonymous couple contact us that own a business locally and have committed to matching up to 100 Bibles if we can have other listeners commit to funding 100 Bibles! So if you have not made a gift to the Bible League please do so today so that your gift can be doubled and more Bibles can be sent to China. It cost just $4 to send a Bible to China. For your gift of $40 that would send 10 Bibles to China. You can call 1-800-YES-WORD and give or click here to give online. When making your tax deductible gift to the Bible League please mention our call letters - WOLC.

Today's Amazing Fact: A shark is the only fish than can blink with both eyes.

Scriptural Pursuit: After Jesus went up into heaven, what is the name of the day when the Holy Spirit came up on the disciples? Day of Pentecost

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