Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Welcome to Monday! Rodney is off this week & Howard is "flying solo."

Amazing Fact: It takes a lobster (7) years to add (1) pound. The lobster definitely has no weight issues! What is a lobster's secret???

Scriptural Pursuit Question: "It was white and tasted like honey cakes."
Answer: Manna (Exodus 16:31)
Congratulations to Ashley Wilson of Easton for being the 7th caller with the correct answer. Ashley was a very excited first-time winner! She can now add the CD "Don't Get Comfortable" by Brandon Heath to her collection.

Program Notes: Coming up tomorrow at 7:15 a.m., an opportunity to win a great prize on Tuesday Trivia! Also, if you have not voted in our web poll question, please do so by casting your vote on the top right side of the page.

Wacky But True: The 7 a.m. "Wacky But True" story featured these new "Smart Goggles" designed by scientists at the University of Tokyo. They have a built-in camera, computer, and display screen. You put them on and wander around looking at various things you might want to find later, saying the names out loud. For instance, if you misplace your keys, you put on the "Smart Gogges" and say the name "keys." The goggles recall the last time they saw them and show you where they were. But what happens when you can't remember where you put your goggles? This is technology, the benefits of which, remain "to be seen."

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