Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Welcome to Terrific Tuesday!

Tuesday Trivia Question: "One survey indicates that 44% of us reuse this" Answer: "Aluminum Foil"

Congratulations to Barbara Abbott of Salisbury for answering the question correctly. Barb was a first-time winner and won a $25.00 gift certificate to The Georgia House Restaurant in Laurel! Way to go, Barb!!

Amazing Fact: The average person will spend (6) years of his/her life eating!

Scriptural Pursuit Question: "According to Old Testament Law, every 50th year was to be a celebration of freedom. What was the year called?" Answer: "The Year Of Jubilee"

Congratulations to Ruben Denis of Camden, Delaware! Ruben was the 9th caller with the correct answer. Ruben won a copy of Stephen Arterburn's book Flash Points!

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