Thursday, July 9, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

It is a "fantastic and fabulous" Friday!!
Celebrate Jesus and the weekend with us!

Today's Verse From God's Word:

Proverbs 28:20 ... "A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished" (NIV)

Today's Smile:

"What did Noah have to learn before he began building?" ... "Ark-itecture"

Today's Highlight In History:

In 1991, Millie Bush, America's first dog, became a millionaire as royalties from her book about a dog's life in the White House reached $1.1 million. Millie gave the money to First Lady Barbara Bush's Family Literacy Foundation. Millie died in May 1997.

Today's Amazing Fact:

To polish jewelry, drop (2) Alka-Seltzer tablets into a glass of water and immerse the rings for (2) minutes.

Today's Scriptural Pursuit Question:

"In Psalm 110:1, what piece of furniture will your enemies become?" Answer: "A footstool"

Congratulations to Shirley Taylor of Crisfield! Shirley was caller #5 on the Joy Lines with the correct answer. Shirley won a copy of the Norman Hutchins single "God Is Faithful." Way to go, Shirley! David Wilson is in for Jennifer Burke this afternoon on The Joy Ride. David will give you another opportunity to win a great prize on Scriptural Pursuit at 5:15 p.m. today!

Today's DQ Blizzard Cake Winner: Sandy Zepp of Trappe, Maryland! Sandy's birthday was randomly chosen from this week's submissions to receive a delicious Blizzard Cake of her choice from DQ Grill & Chill in Salisbury. Sandy celebrated her birthday Wednesday, July 8th. Congrats Sandy! ... Enjoy that cake!

Today's Wacky But True:

Workers at a Virginia landfill were surprised by what they found in a large trash bin from a Goodwill Industries store: A 48 year-old woman who had gotten trapped inside. They opened the door to the trash bin and there she was. She had apparently crawled inside the trash bin at the Goodwill Industries store, could not get out, and fell asleep. A truck picked up the trash bin at the store and hauled it, along with the unwitting passenger, to the landfill.

"Body Worlds" - a traveling exhibit now on tour in New York at the Buffalo Museum of Science features actual human corpses with skin removed and insides exposed. The bodies are preserved by a process that replaces the body's fluids and tissue with plastic. Organizers indicate more than 10,000 people are now registered to become "plastanates" after death.

Today's On-Line Trivia:

In the New Testament, the apostle Paul quoted one of the Ten Commandments, saying, "it was the first one that ends with a promise." What commandment did he quote, and what is the promise? You must provide both answers. The first person to e-mail with the correct answers will receive a free Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich courtesy of Chick-fil-A.

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