Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No correct answer again this morning to our Tuesday Trivia "on Wednesday"question: 70% of people say they can not live without this...what? We'll try again tomorrow morning at 7:15 to get the correct answer. Remember if you correctly answer the question on air tomorrow you'll win 3 great prizes.

Today's Amazing Fact: During the course of a year, the average person walks four miles to make their bed.

Scriptural Pursuit: Who was imprisoned with Paul while they were in Philippi, Macedonia? Silas

At 8:15 today we'll be joined in the studio by two guest from Salisbury Christian School. Jim Fox and Steven Lamkin join us to discuss ways to read with young children to increase the joy of reading and retention.

If you're coming to the Casting Crowns and John Waller concert tomorrow night, please stop by our new JOY! 102.5 display and say hi and tell us what you think of it. Our beautiful new display is made possible by The Georgia House Restaurant.

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