Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Welcome to a thrilling Thursday!

Today's Verse From God's Word:

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28 NIV)

Today's Smile:

"What kind of luggage did Delilah prefer?" ... Samsonite

Today's Highlight In History:

On this date in 1925, the Scopes "Monkey Trial" was organized in Dayton, TN. The trial actually began July 10th. John Scopes was
tried for teaching evolution to his students. Though William Jennings Bryan, acting as prosecuting attorney, won the courtroom battle, creationists lost where public opinion was concerned. The fight is on to give creationism fair and equal attention in our public schools today.

Amazing Fact: The average person's skin weighs twice as much as his/her brain!

Scriptural Pursuit Question:
"Name the city Abraham was from." Answer: Ur of the Chaldees (Genesis 11:28)

Congratulations to Johan Nykvist of Ocean Pines! Johan was the 5th caller on the Joy Lines with the correct answer. Johan won an instrumental hymns and classical music 2-disk CD. Listen at 5:15 p.m. this afternoon when Jennifer Burke will give you another opportunity to win a great prize on Scriptural Pursuit.

Wacky But True:

The results are in ... Joy In The Morning's eating hero, 25 year-old Joey Chestnut has been declared the official winner in the Nathan's Famous 4th of July Hot Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island, N.Y. Joey chomped down (68) hot dogs in (10) minutes!

This is all that is left of her IPOD. God and an IPOD saved the life of 14 year-old Sophie Frost when she was struck recently by a 300,000 volt bolt of lightening. Researchers say the electricity was diverted away from her vital organs by the IPOD - the headphones were hanging from her body as she stood underneath a tree with a friend. They both were knocked unconscious and suffered only minor burns as evidenced by her clothing in the picture. Nevertheless, they both lived to tell the story.

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